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EN 374

What Is EN 374:2016?

Protection from Chemicals and Microorganisms

The EN 374:2016 Standard specifies the capability of gloves to protect the user against chemicals and/or microorganisms. The standard consists of 5 parts:

EN ISO 374-1:2016Terminology and performance requirements for chemical risks
EN 374-2:2014Determination of resistance to penetration
EN 16523-1:2015Determination of material resistance to permeation by chemicals (replacing EN 374-3:2003)
EN 374-4:2013Determination of resistance to degradation by chemicals
EN ISO 374-5:2016Terminology and performance requirements for microorganism risks (including viruses)

Definition of Terms

PenetrationThe movement of a chemical and/or microorganisms through porous materials, seams, pinholes, or other imperfections in a protective glove material at a non-molecular level.
PermeationThe process by which a chemical moves through a protective glove material at a molecular level.
DegradationThe change in one or more physical characteristics of a glove caused by contact with a chemical. Indications of degradation are flaking, swelling, disintegration, embrittlement, color change, dimensional change, appearance, hardening, softening, etc.

EN ISO 374-1:2016: Terminology and Performance Requirements for Chemical Risks

The new standard includes 6 additional chemicals (highlighted in bold in the table below) in addition to the 12 chemicals existing in the 2003 standard:

ChemicalCAS NumberClass
AMethanol67-56-1Primary alcohol
CAcetonitrile75-05-8Nitrile compound
DDichloromethane75-09-2Chlorinated hydrocarbon
ECarbon disulphide75-15-0Sulphur-containing organic
FToluene108-88-3Aromatic hydrocarbon
HTetrahydrofuran109-99-9Heterocyclic and ether compound
IEthyl acetate141-78-6Ester
Jn-Heptane142-85-5Saturated hydrocarbon
KSodium hydroxide 40%1310-73-2Inorganic base
LSulphuric acid 96%7664-93-9Inorganic mineral acid, oxidizing
MNitric acid 65%7697-37-2Inorganic mineral acid, oxidizing
NAcetic acid 99%64-19-7Organic acid
OAmmonium Hydroxide 25%1336-21-6Organic base
PHydrogen peroxide 30%7722-84-1Peroxide
SHydrogen fluoride 40%7664-39-3Inorganic mineral acid, contact poison
TFormaldehyde 37%50-00-0Aldehyde

Each chemical tested is classified in terms of breakthrough time. Breakthrough is deemed to have occurred when the flow rate of 1 µg/cm2/min is reached.

Gloves are now separated into 3 classification types based on permeation performance - TYPE A, TYPE B or TYPE C.

The measured breakthrough time for each chemical determines the performance level of the gloves:

Performance LevelMeasured Breakthrough Time
Level 1> 10 minutes
Level 2> 30 minutes
Level 3> 60 minutes
Level 4> 120 minutes
Level 5> 240 minutes
Level 6> 480 minutes